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Three books we love

There are so many books on money and careers available, we are often asked at Gold Leaf Financial if there are any we would recommend. Here are three that make our list:

How Much is Enough? Money, Time, Happiness – Arun Abey and Andrew Ford

Making Financial Decisions That Create Wealth and Well-Being

This thought provoking book introduces a valuable insight into the role of money in our lives. It looks at important questions such as; does money make you happy and how can you make the most of limited resources such as money and time, to have a good quality of life. Stories of how people face different challenges and choices make this an easy read. This book considers the trade-offs between money and other aspects of our lives including health, stress levels, work hours, time spent commuting, time with friends/family and time having fun. It also discusses what the research shows about what makes us happy. This book is a great resource to empower you to make more informed decisions about money, time and happiness in your life.

What Color is Your Parachute? – Richard N. Bolles

A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers

This best-selling book is a great resource for anyone starting a career or changing careers. It looks at your skills and interests and suggests how you can find a career you love that also works with your goals in life. One strength of the book is that it recognises that everyone is different, and planning for the future can also be done in various ways. We like the idea of drawing a picture of your ideal life at 5 or 10 years in the future, as a picture tells a thousand words and can provide you with clarity. We also like how the book looks at ways you can create a job you love by combining your passions and thinking outside of the box.

The Future Chasers – Jan Owen

Stories from Young Australians of Courage, Imagination and Will

This is an inspirational book with stories of young people doing amazing work in the world collated by Jan Owen from the Foundation of Young Australians. This book shows there is hope in the actions of young people today and gives examples of how young people are addressing some of the world’s big challenges in practical ways. It presents real stories of struggle, hard work, highs and lows of making a difference. These stories provide inspiration to create a meaningful career for everyone, young and old.

If you would like financial advice to help you make decisions to live a happy life, enjoy your work, and make a positive difference in the world, contact a Gold Leaf Financial Planner today.

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